Back when the tree had leaves... Now: No leaves, No snow. Winter? |
As a married couple both going into ministry, and necessarily completing internship at two different churches, Zach and I received a wonderful Christmas Eve gift of being able to attend worship together for the first time in 4 ½ months. Bangsar didn’t have a Christmas Eve midnight service, but Luther House did – so we got to usher in the day together with candles and joyful praise. We are continuing to grow and learn what this call to ministry means for both of us, and are being equipped each day by the grace of God. This was a lovely treat though :-D
One thing we have enjoyed in Malaysia is the beautiful concept of hosting open houses during the festivals. We attended one shortly after arriving, for the Muslim Hari Raya festival (New Year), and there were also similar opportunities during the Hindu Deepavali (festival of lights). For Christmas it is the Christians who open their homes and share food and fellowship. Some invite friends and family, and others open their homes to anyone who wishes to come. It is certainly difficult to go hungry! We continue to enjoy the hospitality and fellowship that is such a gift of the culture here.
Buddy can't be Malaysian - he doesn't like people. He is the house's dog, but he still won't let us near... But he has a cute ear! | (hold control when you click and it will open a new window)
(The parliament is due to call for an election by April 26th, with a 60-day grace period, and many in Malaysia have been waiting two years for this. Tensions are high in many cases, and patience is low. Please keep the country in your prayers as things may escalate as time goes on. – We are safe though. - )
We hope this finds you well! God’s peace to you as we usher in the new year. May you grow in the fullness of God’s grace each new day.
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