The Lutheran Church in Malaysia's 2nd National Lutheran Conference was kicked off by bishop Phillip Lok sounding three gongs, "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
Gathered together at a resort near the east coast and Kuantan, over 1,000 pastors and lay persons worshiped together, shared meals, learned and were challenged together. Connections were made with the greater church body and it was truly a great sight. Zach and I were blessed to meet so many different pastors and parishioners from around Malaysia, as well as get to know Bishop Lok and his family better. Once again we were shown tremendous hospitality and honored as guests. We continue to be amazed, as back home interns can tend to feel on the bottom of the totem pole from our understanding - but here we are continually blown away by our hosts, their love and grace.
In a lovely gesture of ecumenism, the speaker at this year's conference was Rev. Dr. Gordon Wong, a member of the Methodist Church in Singapore who is a professor at Singapore's Trinity Theological College. Dr. Gordon shared challenging and encouraging messages, including from Matthew chapter 26. Here Jesus' distress, even to the point of death, in the Garden of Gethsemane reminds us that we will not always be happy or excited about what God calls us to do. Through prayer our will is joined with God's will and we are given the strength to follow through with our calling and to continue to put one foot in front of the other. We also looked at the sleeping disciples - Peter who was so recently willing to die for Christ, but struggles now to stay awake and pray. Die, yes, but lose some sleep? How is it that those things which cost us little can seem so difficult? We make big sacrifices for our children, but stopping "to teach a child how to pray", Gordon points out, Why, this is just too much. We are reminded that Jesus is not looking for disciples to die with swords, but for disciples who will do the Father's will.
LCM NLC 2.0 |
Pastor Thomas (Z's supervisor) & Rev. Dr. Gordon Wong |
The Girls :-) Me, Judy, Petrina, May |
Z w/ Pr. Augustin (my supervisor) & Rev. Wolfgang (from Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bavaria) |
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